1. 国家重点研发计划子课题,山东麦玉两熟增产调优专用化生产技术模式研究与示范,2023-2027,主持。
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,我国不同年代玉米品种耐密性演化的生理生化机制研究,2021-2024,主持。
2. 国家重点研发计划课题,鲁西南平原区小麦-玉米全程机械化高产高效技术集成与示范,2018-2020,主持。
3. 国家重点研发计划子课题,玉米丰产增效的群体结构、功能与区域光温资源的匹配机制,2017-2020,主持。
4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,控释尿素水氮耦合对夏玉米产量形成的生理机制及氮高效机理研究,2014-2016,主持。
5. 山东省高等学校科技计划项目,黄淮海超高产夏玉米根冠协调性研究,2013-2015,主持。
1. Xingxing Wang, Guangnuan Song, Saud Shah, Hao Ren, Baizhao Ren, Jiwang Zhang, Peng Liu, Bin Zhao*. The potential of EDAH in promoting kernel formation and grain yield in summer maize. Field Crops Research, 2024, 319: 109655.
2. Xu Guo, Hao Ren, Baizhao Ren, Jiwang Zhang, Peng Liu, Saud Shah, Bin Zhao*. Long-term application of controlled-release urea reduced ammonia volatilization, raising the risk of N2O emissions and improved summer maize yield. Field Crops Research, 2024, 306: 10927.
3. Pin He, Xiangpeng Ding, Jing Bai, Jiwang Zhang, Peng Liu, Baizhao Ren, Bin Zhao*. Maize hybrid yield and physiological response to plant density across four decades in China. Agronomy Journal, 2022, 1-19.
4. Xu Guo, Guanghao Li, Xiangpeng Ding, Jiwang Zhang, Baizhao Ren, Peng Liu, Shigang Zhang, Bin Zhao*. Response of leaf senescence, photosynthetic characteristics and yield of summer maize to controlled-release urea-based application depth. Agronomy, 2022, 12: 687.
5. Hao Ren, Zhenhai Li, Yi Cheng, Jibo Zhang, Peng Liu*, Rongfa Li, Qinglong Yang, Shuting Dong, Jiwang Zhang, Bin Zhao*. Narrowing yield gaps and enhancing nitrogen utilization for summer maize (Zea mays L) by combining the effects of varying nitrogen fertilizer input and planting density in DSSAT simulations. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2020, 11: 560466.
6. Guanghao Li, Bin Zhao*, Shuting Dong*, Jiwang Zhang, Peng Liu, Weiping Lu.Controlled-release urea combining with optimal irrigation improved grain yield, nitrogen uptake, and growth of maize. Agricultural Water Management, 2020, 227: 105834.
7. Guanghao Li, Bin Zhao*, Shuting Dong*, Jiwang Zhang, Peng Liu, Baizhao Ren,Dalei Lu,Weiping Lu. Morphological and physiological characteristics of maize roots in response to controlled-release urea under different soil moisture conditions. Agronomy Journal, 2019, 111: 1-16.
8. Fei Gao#, Bin Zhao#, Shuting Dong, Peng Liu, Jiwang Zhang*. Response of maize root growth to residue management strategies. Agronomy Journal, 2018, 110(1): 1-9.
9. Guanghao Li, Bin Zhao*, Shuting Dong*, Jiwang Zhang, Peng Liu, Tony J Vyn. Impact of controlled release urea on maize yield and nitrogen use efficiency under different water conditions. PLoS ONE, 2017, 12(7), e0181774.
10. Guanghao Li, Bin Zhao*, Shuting Dong*, Jiwang Zhang, Peng Liu, Tony J Vyn. Interactive effects of water and controlled release urea on nitrogen metabolism, accumulation, translocation, and yield in summer maize. Science of Nature, 2017, 104: 72.
11. Bin Zhao, Shuting Dong*, Jiwang Zhang, Peng Liu. Effects of controlled-release fertiliser on nitrogen use efficiency in summer maize. PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(8): 1-8.