1. 花生高产生理生态
2. 花生氮素高效利用理论与技术
1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,氮肥运筹调控小麦-花生周年轮作体系中花生根瘤固氮和氮转移机制研究(32301953),2024.01-2026.12,主持
2. 山东省自然科学基金青年基金项目,不同肥力土壤条件下花生三种氮源协同高效利用机制研究(ZR2022QC040),2023.01-2025.12,主持
3. 山东省重点研发计划(农业良种工程)子课题(2020LZGC001),高产抗逆适宜机械化花生新品种培育及配套技术研发,2021-2023,主持
1. Liu Z, Gao F, Li Y, et al. Grain yield, and nitrogen uptake and translocation of peanut under different nitrogen management systems in a wheat–peanut rotation[J]. Agronomy Journal, 2020, 112(3): 1828-1838.
2. Liu Z, Gao F, Yang J, et al. Photosynthetic characteristics and uptake and translocation of nitrogen in peanut in a wheat–peanut rotation system under different fertilizer management regimes[J]. Frontiers in plant science, 2019, 10: 86.
3. Liu Z, Gao F, Liu Y, et al. Timing and splitting of nitrogen fertilizer supply to increase crop yield and efficiency of nitrogen utilization in a wheat–peanut relay intercropping system in China[J]. The Crop Journal, 2019, 7(1): 101-112.
4. Liu Z, Zhao C, Zhao J, et al. Improved fertiliser management to reduce the greenhouse-gas emissions and ensure yields in a wheat–peanut relay intercropping system in China[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022, 29(15): 22531-22546.
5. Liu Z, Li X, et al. A comparative study of oil, protein, and fatty acid content of 12 cultivars of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) grown from two regions in Shandong province, China[J]. Crop Science, 2023, 63: 2491-2508.
6. 刘兆新, 李向东, 刘妍, 等. 控释复合肥对麦套花生光系统II性能及产量和品质的调控效应[J]. 作物学报, 2017, 43(011):1667-1676.
7. 刘兆新, 刘婷如, 刘妍, 等. 小麦行距配置对套种花生生理特性和产量的影响[J]. 应用生态学报, 2018, 029(006):1951-1959.
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