李胜军,山东农业大学教授、博士生导师,中科院高层次人才计划专家,泰山学者青年专家。2003年山东农业大学学士,2008年中国农科院生物技术研究所硕士,2012年中科院遗传与发育生物学研究所博士。2012-2018年先后在中科院遗传与发育生物学研究所、美国内布拉斯加大学-林肯分校进行博士后研究。2018-2025年中科院青岛生物能源与过程研究所课题组长。2025年入职山东农业大学农学院。研究成果以通讯作者或第一作者(含共同)发表于PNAS、Plant Cell、Nucleic Acids Research、Nature Communications、New Phytologist等国际期刊上。授权国际发明专利1项、国家发明专利4项。
1) Wang S, He G, Liu Y, Wang Y, Ma Y, Fu C, Xu H*, Hu R*, Li S*. A P1-like MYB transcription factor boosts biosynthesis and transport of C-glycosylated flavones in duckweed.Int J Biol Macromol2024, 277, 134138
2) Meng X#, Wang Q#, Hao R, Li X, Li M, Hu R , Du H, Hu Z, Yu B, Li S*. RNA-binding protein MAC5A interacts with the 26S proteasome to regulate DNA damage response in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol 2023: 191: 446–462.
3) Meng X#, Li A#, Yu B*, Li S*. Interplay between miRNAs and lncRNAs: Mode of action and biological roles in plant development and stress adaptation. Comput Struct Biotechnol J 2021, 19, 2567-2574.
4) Li S#, Li M#, Liu K, Zhang H, Zhang S, Zhang C, Yu B*. MAC5, an RNA-binding protein, protects pri-miRNAs from SERRATE-dependent exoribonuclease activities. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2020, 117, 23982-23990.
5) Li S#, Xu R#, Li A#, Liu K, Gu L, Li M, Zhang H, Zhang Y, Zhuang S, Wang Q, Gao Gang, Li N; Zhang C, Li Y*, Yu B*. SMA1, a homolog of the splicing factor Prp28, has a multifaceted role in miRNA biogenesis in Arabidopsis. Nucleic Acids Res 2018, 46, 9148-9159.
6) Li S, Liu K, Zhou B, Li M, Zhang S, Zeng L, Zhang C, Yu B*. MAC3A and MAC3B, two core subunits of the MOS4-associated complex, positively influence miRNA biogenesis. Plant Cell 2018, 30, 481-494.
7) Li S, Liu K, Zhang S, Wang X, Rogers K, Ren G, Zhang C, Yu B*. STV1, a ribosomal protein, binds primary microRNA transcripts to promote their interaction with the processing complex in Arabidopsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2017, 114, 1424-1429.
8) Li S#, Liu Y#, Zheng L, Chen L, Li N, Corke F, Lu Y, Fu X, Zhu Z, Bevan MW, Li Y*. The plant-specific G protein gamma subunit AGG3 influences organ size and shape in Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytol 2012, 194, 690-703.
9) Peng Y#, Chen L#, Li S#, Zhang Y, Xu R, Liu Z, Liu W, Kong J, Huang X, Wang Y, Cheng B*, Zheng L*, Li Y*. BRI1 and BAK1 interact with G proteins and regulate sugar-responsive growth and development in Arabidopsis. Nat Commun 2018, 9, 1522.
10) Li S#, Castillo-Gonzalez C#, Yu B*, Zhang X*. The functions of plant small RNAs in development andin stress responses. Plant J 2017, 90, 654-670.
11) Li S#, Jia S#, Hou L#, Nguyen H, Sato S, Holding D, Cahoon E, Zhang C*, Clemente T*, Yu B*. Mapping of transgenic alleles in soybean using a nanopore-based sequencing strategy. J Exp Bot 2019, 70, 3825-3833.
12) Li S, Yu B*. miRNA limits MAP kinase-mediated immunity: optimization of plant fitness. J Exp Bot 2017, 68, 5685-5687.
13) He G, Zhao X, Xu Y, Wang Y, Zhang Z, Xiao L, Hudson M, Hu R*, & Li S*. An efficient virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) system for gene functional studies in Miscanthus. GCB Bioenergy, 2023; 15, 805–820.
14) Zhao X, Xu Y, He G, He K, Xiao L, Hu R*, Li, S*. Genome-Wide Characterization and Expression Profiling of the GRAS Gene Family in Salt and Alkali Stresses in Miscanthus sinensis. Int J Mol Sci2022, 23, 14521.
15) Xu Y, Hu R*, Li S*. Regulation of seed coat mucilage production and modification in Arabidopsis. Plant Science. 2023, 328, 111591.
电子邮箱: sjli@sdau.edu.cn